Thursday, February 24, 2011

Vegetable Garden Planting Chart for Salt Lake City

Here's a quick reference of when to plant (based on the extension planting guide):

Hardy Vegetables--Plant between March 15th and May 1st
Broccoli,Cabbage,Kohlrabi, Peas(through May 15th),Radish, Spinach, Turnip

Semi-Hardy (Plant 2 weeks after planting hardy vegetables) March 20th-May 1st
Salsify, Lettuce, Endive

Tender-Around May 5th
Sweet Corn, Cucumbers, Eggplant

Very Tender--May 20 to June 10
Tomato, Watermelon, Pepper, Lima Bean

Fall Harvest--July 1 to August 1
Lettuce, Spinach,Kale

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