Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Utah Native Linum lewisii, Blue Flax

Linum lewisii, a short lived perennial, was documented and named after Meriwether Lewis. It is often planted for erosion control and reclamation and is useful as a foraging plant for wildlife. Birds are especially attracted to the seeds and forage on them in the fall and winter.

Cultivated flax (Linum usitatissimum) is grown for fiber (flax) and seed oil (linseed).
Linum lewisii--Blue Flax

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Timpanogos Wild Flowers

I took an early morning hike up Timpanogos. Crossed a glacier or two and enjoyed all the glorious wild flowers.
Geranium viscosissimum, sticky geranium

Eriogonum umbellatum, sulfur buckwheat

Castilleja rhexifolia var. sulphurea, Pale yellow Indian paintbrush
Lupinus argenteus; Lupine
Helianthella uniflora, Oneflower Sunflower