Friday, May 31, 2013


Dog, chickens, and vegetable garden coexisting. Sort of. As long as cabbage has a tomato cage protecting her. 

Nemesia--Cool Season Annual

Nemesia is generally planted as a cool season annual.  It is in the same family as the snapdragon, Scrophulariaceae, and can tolerate a bit of frost once hardened off. This beautiful flower, does best in full sun but can tolerate part-sun.  It needs well drained soil and performs well in containers.   When watering Nemesia, it generally prefers to be kept on the drier side.  It comes in bright reds, oranges and yellows as well as soft pinks and even a pale lavender that is nearly white.  There are compact varieties and taller ones that are 12-16" tall.  Looks stunning in upright containers and the lovely blooms are eye-catching in a newly emerging spring garden.  


 From the Proven Winners' website:

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Infragram--an Affordable Photosynthesis Camera

Want to know exactly which of your plants needs a little more love and attention? Open source group Public Lab has created the Infragram—an affordable "photosynthesis camera".

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Lucy's Plants' photostream

ZinniasHelianthumHelianthumDwarf SunflowerThyme-SpringVeronica-groundcover
BegoniasShasta Daisy Anemone pulsatillaJapanese Kerria (Kerria japonica)Euphorbia
Basket of GoldCrab Apple Purple Rockcress and Basket of Gold (Aurinia saxatilis)DendrobiumDeciduous Magnolia
Vinca--groundcoverNemesiaNemesiaVariegated HollyRed Twig Dogwood

Come visit my growing archive of plants!