Saturday, January 22, 2011

Since it is so Cold and Dreary...

I thought I would explore the world of house plants to remind myself that green, happy plants do exist in the middle of January.

Here is the beautiful Croton.

Pleomele reflexa 'Song of India' does best in bright, indirect sunlight. Drench soil and let it dry out slightly between waterings. Fertilize once a year.

Another Dracena, this one is known as Dracena 'Art'/'Carmen'

Dracena compact does well in lower light conditions.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Gardening Goals for 2011

My back yard is a disaster with very little going for it. A dilapidated detached garage, a 60 year-old walnut tree that shades everything and drops debris like mad, a crazy, half-built chicken coop and,well, I think I made my point. Oh, I forgot the trampoline.
My goal this year is to get my yard looking decent and in the process grow some yummy food for my family. So here are my goals in no particular order;

1. Build a pole bean tepee like the one picture here:

The tepee also serves as a hideout for the little ones. Not sure where I'm going to put the hideout yet, but I want to grow one of these!

2. Build 6 raised beds.

3. Start cool season crops on time by using hoops. Traditional radishes take 25 days from seed to harvest so I have no excuse but to get these babies planted and harvested!

4. Follow with the warm season crops. I plan to get my seeds from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. This company has the most beautiful seed catalogue ever. You've got to order one.

5. Finish the chicken coop by building a living roof and planting grapes along the south side of the run. Here is an example:

Not exactly what I plan, but it is cute.

And here is what I wish the coop would look like when I am done.

This gardening/homesteading adventure, however, is an undertaking with extremely limited funds so I will be grateful for my coop made from scavenged, I mean recycled, materials.

6. Have a killer compost pile.

7. Install at least one rain barrel.

8. Plant at least one fruit tree ( two, if I need a pollinator).

The yard needs much more work than the above goals cover, but I think this will be a good start for my time and money constrained gardening budget. Wish me luck and happy gardening in 2011!